5 popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures

5 popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures

The beauty industry is advancing faster than ever before. With new technology, anti-ageing and body toning treatments that are non-invasive, practically painless and affordable are growing in popularity. Here’s 5 of the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures...
How to keep your skin looking good over Christmas

How to keep your skin looking good over Christmas

At this time of year, we tend to overindulge with the chocolate, we’re out and about meeting friends and family; juggling Christmas dos, dinners and drinks, and our skin can suffer for it. Here’s a few top tips on how to sleigh that skincare regime at Christmastime....
Keep up with CACI at Home

Keep up with CACI at Home

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, bijou have sadly had to temporarily close. With that in mind, we want to reassure our CACI clients that your treatments with us are not going to waste! Here’s a few handy tips from CACI about keeping your skin radiant and toned whilst you...
What makes Synergy so Special?

What makes Synergy so Special?

This year bijou has invested in the latest technology available from CACI – the leading brand on non-surgical facial and body toning – the Synergy machine. But what makes Synergy so special? I’m here to lift the veil on all things Synergy and answer a few frequently...
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