A beginner’s guide to nailcare

A beginner’s guide to nailcare

Want to look after your nails and help them grow, but not sure where to start? Look no further! Follow this simple, step by step beginner’s guide to nailcare to learn how to look after your nails the right way! Step 1: Keeping up with cuticle care The first step is...
The benefits of having a pedicure

The benefits of having a pedicure

As the weather improves, the flip flops, sandals and peep-toe wedges reappear. But come rain or shine, we should always look after out feet. We can be on them all day or hide them away, they still need some TLC throughout the year. Here’s a few benefits to having a...
Taking Care of Your Hands in 2021

Taking Care of Your Hands in 2021

Do your hands feel dry, cracked and even sore? It’s no surprise really. In the current situation, now more than ever hand hygiene is on everybody’s mind. We’re washing our hands more and using alcohol-based hand sanitisers everywhere we go. Who doesn’t carry a little...
What Your Nail Colour Says About You

What Your Nail Colour Says About You

Colour is a powerful tool. We think about seasonal colours: bright, bold and vibrant or cool pastels for summer, rich, earthy tones for autumn. When we choose an outfit, we consider what colours suit us best – what brings out our eyes or washes us out. But what about...
How to Make your Gel Manicure Last Longer

How to Make your Gel Manicure Last Longer

Having a manicure can make you feel complete; it can finish an outfit and give you something to admire all day long. Gels are even better because they last longer and don’t chip or smudge within 30 seconds of leaving the salon! Following the recommended aftercare will...
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