The ultimate guide to hair removal

The ultimate guide to hair removal

Body or facial hair is completely normal – we all have it! It’s not something to be embarrassed or ashamed about, or something anyone should point out to make you feel self-conscious. From upper lip to toes, hair can grow. Hair removal is a personal preference – you...
How to prepare for your treatment

How to prepare for your treatment

With the roadmap to relaxing lockdown restrictions being announced and the prospect of beauty salons reopening again from Monday 12th April, it’s worth preparing for your future pampering now! How much can you prepare for a treatment, you may ask? Apart from being...
What is BrowSculpt and is it for me?

What is BrowSculpt and is it for me?

The latest treatment to make it to bijou is HD Brows’ BrowSculpt. A revolutionary treatment for boisterous brows! Do you want to tame unruly hairs? Create symmetry in uneven brows? Or do you just love that brushed up, fluffy brow look? This corrective treatment has...
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