Day time vs. night time skincare

Day time vs. night time skincare

Why should your skincare routine be different for night time? Although your skincare regime will look similar before you go to bed to when you wake up in the morning, there are a few key factors you should consider. When we sleep, our skin kicks into overdrive and...
5 Habits of People with Great Skin

5 Habits of People with Great Skin

Ever looked at someone with great skin and thought, Wow! What’s their secret? Well, we’re here to reveal their habits. And guess what? They’re really simple and anyone can do them! Drink plenty of water We’re sure you’ve heard your beauty therapist harp on about...
Debbie’s Top 3 Dermalogica Products

Debbie’s Top 3 Dermalogica Products

At bijou we LOVE Dermalogica products. Not only do we use them in our treatments, but we also use them at home ourselves. We all have different skin types and concerns and therefore all love different products. Here’s an insight into our lovely Debbie’s top three...
Keep up with CACI at Home

Keep up with CACI at Home

Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, bijou have sadly had to temporarily close. With that in mind, we want to reassure our CACI clients that your treatments with us are not going to waste! Here’s a few handy tips from CACI about keeping your skin radiant and toned whilst you...
8 Tips for Spring-Ready Skin

8 Tips for Spring-Ready Skin

Seasons have a huge effect on our skin and it’s always tricky to know when to start making changes to prepare for what’s ahead. Take a look through your skincare collection and switch it up a bit! Here’s our top tips for getting your skin prepped for Spring. Use a...
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