At bijou, we always say there’s a reason it’s called beauty therapy. We’re here for our clients for much more than just a mani-pedi. Having a beauty treatment provides far more benefits than ‘looking’ better. You’ll also feel better too.

Time for yourself

When you book in for a treatment, you’re booking in time to take care of yourself. An hour out of a hectic week just for you. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? Allowing yourself this down-time and investing in yourself is a great way to improve your wellbeing and your own self-worth. You deserve this time – so take it!

Entering a relaxing environment

Walking into a beauty salon is a bit like entering another realm. The sounds, the scents, the atmosphere: it’s all there to help you relax and unwind. Shut off from the outside world, you can forget all the worries of everyday life. This will instantly reduce your stress levels and help you to cope better when you go back to reality.

There are multiple reasons to have a massage

The fact that they’re delightful is just one. Massage increases blood circulation, relieves tension in the body and reduces anxiety and depression. Serotonin levels are given a well-needed boost and by the time you’re ready to leave, you look and feel happier. For many, a massage is considered a ‘treat’; an indulgence only to be splurged on for special occasions. However, it’s worth investing in massage to improve physical conditions such as sciatica and arthritis, as well as emotional balance.

Need more motivation? Here’s three reasons to book a massage you can’t argue with.

Time for a chat?

Often, it’s not just the treatment people come to the salon for. It’s an opportunity to talk. In a safe environment where the four walls of the treatment room are a sanctuary, it can be good to hash out work stress, relationship problems or simply put the world to rights with a friendly face. A beauty therapist can become a confidante, a friend or a hand to hold whilst you work through something.

On the other hand, you may be all talked out and that’s the beauty of beauty treatments: you can chat to your heart’s content or you can close your eyes and fall asleep – we’ll work away whatever you choose.

Physical touch

We can take physical touch and its benefits for granted. Hugging someone for at least 20 seconds has been proven to release serotonin and provide a sense of comfort. But what if someone lives alone? Has lost their loved ones or goes weeks without seeing or speaking to another person? A beauty treatment provides comfort, companionship and a sense of closeness through physical touch which can dispel the symptoms of loneliness. A pedicure, a facial, a massage or even a brow treatment. All beauty treatments require a level of touch therapy and the benefits should not be sniffed at (especially after a year of social distancing and self-isolation).

We consistently practice safe hygiene in the salon. To find out more about what is in place to protect against Covid-19, click here.

Improved confidence and self-esteem

After a treatment, it’s hard not to stare at your newly lacquered nails, admire your lashes in the mirror or shout ‘my skin feels so smooth!’ to anyone you see. Beauty therapy provides a level of confidence and improved self-esteem, as well as the acknowledgement that you deserve to be pampered. You’re worth the investment and time and you should feel good about yourself!


Ready to spend some time taking care of you? Call 0118 973 1158 to book your appointment now! We also offer vouchers for those who need a little encouragement.

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